“Branding has always been a divisive issue in the boardroom. On one side has sat the sceptics – those quick to point out the dangers of listing this most intangible of assets on the balance sheet; while on the other has sat the believers – those keen to differentiate and extract super normal earnings from very normal markets. And now Lindemann has reconciled the two in ‘The Economy of Brands’ – the most thorough insight ever published into ‘branding’ – the often misunderstood alchemy of marketing and economics.
Lindemann has ‘tamed the dragon’, by providing the business and academic worlds with the most thorough insight yet published, into branding and how it really works in business. His perspective is bolstered by many years spent at the coal face – arguing the economic case for brands with CFOs, accounting bodies, tax authorities and financiers. ‘The Economy of Brands’ is sure to become the ‘go to’ reference for accountants and marketers alike.”
John Allert
Group Head of Brand, McLaren Group